instruction execution

美 [ɪnˈstrʌkʃn ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃn]英 [ɪnˈstrʌkʃn ˌeksɪˈkjuːʃn]
  • 网络指令执行
instruction executioninstruction execution


(computer science) the process of carrying out an instruction by a computer
Synonym: execution


  1. Activity is a unit of instruction execution , and is the building block of a process .


  2. The article essentially describes such points as instruction execution and memory management in constructing a virtual running embedded system .


  3. In other words , software interrupts always occur at the beginning of an instruction execution cycle .


  4. In the instruction execution pipeline stage , scalable pipeline technology was adopted to realize the video processing instruction .


  5. If supervision engineer issued a directive , contractor should change by supervision engineer change instruction execution .


  6. It is shown that the MCU core 's maximum clock frequency and instruction execution speed are three times higher than traditional MCS-51 core .


  7. Bochs was developed purely in the C + + language for interpreted x86 instruction execution and platform emulation .


  8. Characteristics of the microprocessor are fast speed and nimble instructions . The way of raising speed is to adopt pipelining in instruction execution .


  9. The platform introduces two memory system structure , addressing mode simulation guarantees that not only the operand is correctly obtained , but also the instruction execution time is correctly calculated .


  10. The Digital Signal Processing which is regarded as CPU on board has some advantages , such as fast instruction execution , high bus bandwidth , and high speed real-time data processing .


  11. But in reality , the upper software drives the underlying hardware , for example different instruction execution and data access affect the underlying hardware circuit directly and result in different power generation .


  12. A new type of microprocessor is introduced in this paper . The microcontroller core is compatible with 8051.It uses an efficient 8051 core that results in an improved instruction execution speed and low power consumption .


  13. Compile the assembler into machine code so that generate PLE file in order to implement the execution mechanism of PLC virtual machine . In this way , the instruction execution speed of PLC is greatly increased and we can save much memory .


  14. This paper has discussed the relationship between the machine cycle and instruction execution time for superscalar RISC architecture , issuing multiple instructions in one machine cycle . Several new design features of superscalar RISC architecture with single execution unit and multiple function units have been analysed .


  15. Traditional programming model like C , C + + and Fortran are poorly suited to multi-core architectures because of the assumed single instruction stream execution model and centralized memory structure .


  16. This article probes into a kind of encryption method for files , which is different from the usual way . It also studies the encryption method for instruction inverse execution , which means how to use inverse instruction stream to realize the file encryption .


  17. A technique whereby the receiver fetches the next instruction before completing execution of the previous instruction , in order to increase processing speed .


  18. As the core of SOC , CPU ′ s performance is mostly determined by instruction ′ s execution efficiency . Pipeline increases the instruction ′ s execution pace and improves the CPU ′ s performance .


  19. The model of instruction level parallel program execution


  20. A4-stage instruction pipeline for instruction execution makes at-speed test possible .


  21. Static instruction scheduling decides the execution order of instructions and improves the instruction-level parallelism by reducing stall caused by dependences .


  22. In the traditional Cache , the Cache hit ratio is insured only by the address locality of memory reference instruction stream during program execution , it restricts the improvement of Cache hit ratio .


  23. Composite electronic System is the hinge of the Pico-satellite , which undertakes the work of data processing , data storage , data transmission , Instruction code transmission and Instruction execution .


  24. Propose the run time dispatched instruction decoder and issue logic based on instruction execution cycle .
